Data Insights Website Design:

While working for the VERIFI team, I had the opportunity to help an emerging new product with their website design. The website was for the data insights team, which was a data analytics platform for concrete production.

Home Page:

The data insights team wanted me to convey through the website accurate data and sustainability. This data analytics platform was meant to show people a more sustainable way to produce concrete through optimization of materials with the data they would provide.

At the top I used good imagery to convey a sense of environment and sustainability, paired with a blue color to give the viewer a sense of trust and security. I followed that up with hard facts and data, such as how many millions of cubic yards of concrete this product has produced, cut down on carbon emissions, and percentage of non wasted materials.

This next section is talking about the raw data produced with this product and what the data insights team does with it. This is a very informative section to give a breakdown of how the data insights product will work for you.

I followed the data section up with some fun business graphics that also break down how the data is used and analyzed.

I then thought it important to back up each section with an entire case studies page. This way it can solidify each key point talked about above with hard evidence for the customer to read.

About Us:

This is the about us page. I thought it was important to dedicate a page to the team and what work they put in to the analytics platform. This page is meant to engage with the customer on a more personal level.

Who we are: Tells a brief blurb about who the team is on a personal level.

What we do: Gives a better description of the work that they put in.

Our mission: Explains why they put in the work.

All of this is followed up by a section that explains the global impact that the data insights team puts in. This last section rounds out the about us page with hard facts that show this work matters and makes a difference.

Case Studies:

The case studies page is meant to showcase all of the work the data insights team has put together. The case studies that the team had put together were very informative and insightful, so i wanted an informative page for customers to read through at their leisure.

Case Studies Article:

After browsing the case studies page, the customer would click on an individual article and be brought to a page similar to this one. This page goes more in depth into the chosen article.

I start each article off with a big statement at the top. I follow this with a smaller title below and then a quick summary of the article to give readers a quick gist of what they’re reading.

I also include the authors name and any other contributors to give them credit and personalize the article a bit.

The body of the article includes an introductory piece where most of the information will be given, followed by graphs to round out the information and give visual aid.

The ending of the article consists of another body section to give more details and then the bottom part will work as the conclusion of the article.


The data insights team needed a website designed for them in order to advertise and showcase their new digital product. This was achieved with design of a great homepage that conveyed hard data and environmental sustainability. This was rounded out with an about us section and some case studies to back up their claims.


Marketing Materials

